
  1. S

    Why does this MMA gym has this unwritten rule about everyone being shirtless...

    ...all the time? I used to go to this MMA gym for over 3 years. They had BJJ, Muay Thai, and a cage for cage-fighting. I don't think I ever saw anyone take off his shirt. Everyone got dressed on the restroom stalls. I moved to another city, and asked about MMA gyms. They told me about this...
  2. J

    my unwritten chapter of a dream?

    my gal friend was on her death bed. she said "prove to me one last time that you love me" i then woke up. who knows really?
  3. D

    Are there any unwritten rules of politics?

    I always thought there were, but during the elections in '08 and even today, it seems there are not. So, are there "limits" to how far someone can go to smear an opponent? If not, what limits would you put as unwritten rules of politics?
  4. G

    Unwritten Law-She Says-(CDM)-2005-KzT

    Category: Music-MP3 (Punk Rock) Size: 19.56 MB Files: 13 (4 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Sat October 24th 15:33:18 UTC Download NZB