
  1. S

    Puppy with umbilical hernia?

    I have a four month old puppy with umbilical hernia and was wondering has anyone ever heard of one being fixed without a vet operating? If it isn't better in two months I'm going to get him neutered and the hernia fixed at the same time.
  2. T

    Treatment With Human Umbilical Cord-Derived Mensenchymal Cells For Colitis In Mouse M

    When laboratory mice were modeled with colitis and treated with human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal cells, the cells homed in on the inflamed colon and effectively ameliorated colitis, reported a study published in a recent issue of Cell Transplantation (20:9), now freely available...
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    Therapy Improves Stem Cell Engraftment In Umbilical Cord Blood Transplant Recipients

    A therapy involving a natural compound may improve the ability of stem cells from umbilical cord blood to engraft in patients receiving a stem cell transplant for cancer or other diseases, a phase I clinical trial led by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute scientists indicates. Details of the trial...
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    Repairing Damaged Heart Muscle With Stem Cells From Umbilical Cord Blood

    New research has found that stem cells derived from human cord blood could be an effective alternative in repairing heart attacks. At least 20 million people survive every year, according to World Health Organisation estimates, but many have poor life expectancy and require continual costly...
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    Cord Blood Banks Contain More Than 500.000 Umbilical Cord Blood Units Advantages Of C

    Since the first human cord blood transplant, performed in 1988, the safety and efficacy of umbilical cord blood transplantation in both children and adults with a variety of malignant and non-malignant diseases have been clearly established. This is the outcome of a survey performed by Dr...
  6. J

    my 2 week old daughters umbilical cord looks funny?

    it doesnt look like it is healing well. when we were at the hospital with her yesteday the nurse took a look at it and said that it looked fine and that we needed to just keep wiping around it with alcohol and it would just eventually fall off by itself. but I read that it would be falling off...
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    StemCyte Awarded $488,950 For Advanced Therapeutic Applications Of Umbilical Cord Blo

    StemCyte, Inc., one of the world's preeminent umbilical cord blood (UCB) banks and biotherapy companies, is proud to announce that the Company has been awarded two cash grants totaling $488,950 under the U.S. Internal Revenue Service's Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project (QTDP) program...
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    Early Clamping Of The Umbilical Cord May Interrupt Humankind's First 'Natural Stem Ce

    The timing of umbilical cord clamping at birth should be delayed just a few minutes longer, suggest researchers at the University of South Florida's Center of Excellence for Aging and Brain Repair. Delaying clamping the umbilical cord for a slightly longer period of time allows more umbilical...
  9. J

    my duckling just hatched and it has an umbilical hernia?

    what should i do?? will it die?? ist it going to be ok??
  10. J

    my duckling just hatched and it has an umbilical hernia?

    what should i do?? will it die?? ist it going to be ok??
  11. J

    my duckling just hatched and it has an umbilical hernia?

    what should i do?? will it die?? ist it going to be ok??
  12. J

    my duckling just hatched and it has an umbilical hernia?

    what should i do?? will it die?? ist it going to be ok??
  13. J

    my duckling just hatched and it has an umbilical hernia?

    what should i do?? will it die?? ist it going to be ok??
  14. T

    Umbilical Cord Could Be New Source Of Plentiful Stem Cells, Say Pitt Researchers

    Stem cells that could one day provide therapeutic options for muscle and bone disorders can be easily harvested from the tissue of the umbilical cord, just as the blood that goes through it provides precursor cells to treat some blood disorders, said University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine...
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    Umbilical Cord Could Be New Source Of Plentiful Stem Cells, Say Pitt Researchers

    Stem cells that could one day provide therapeutic options for muscle and bone disorders can be easily harvested from the tissue of the umbilical cord, just as the blood that goes through it provides precursor cells to treat some blood disorders, said University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine...