
  1. T

    Pituitary Hormone TSH Found To Directly Influence Bone Growth

    Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine have found that thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), a hormone produced in the anterior pituitary gland that regulates endocrine function in the thyroid gland, can promote bone growth independent of its usual thyroid functions. The research suggests...
  2. U

    So I have slightly elevated TSH... but what does that mean? Is my metabolism

    slower, or faster? My TSH was like 0.04 over the limit (high). But what does this mean? Is my thyroid working more than normal? Or less than normal? In which case is my slow thyroid making me fat? What influences thyroid function? How do I get my TSH values down?
  3. R

    I had a TSH, 3rd generation test . Test results were 5.33. The T4, free

    was 1.1. Am I hypothyroid? My doctor has prescribed Synthroid 50 mcg per day. Does that sound like the correct dosage, etc. I have always had normal tests before as part of my annual bloodwork. Thank you.