
  1. U

    Poll: Why are white trashy people called "white" trash?

    As opposed to just "trash?"
  2. J

    Survey: In your opinion what do trashy girls wear?

    @ Urahare Kisuke I don't judge anyone i'm just interested in peoples opinions.
  3. C

    Why has fashion gotten so trashy?

    Eh, I only get a bit creeped out about by it when I see young girls wear that type of stuff. I definitely don't complain when attractive women do!
  4. J

    Is my look interesting or trashy?

    this may seem a little long but please read i could use advice!:) im 16. i am 5'3" and 115 pounds, im pretty small and petit. i have (dyed) strawberry-golden blonde hair past my collarbone with lots of layers, and i hate them so i wear ponytails all the time lol. i have a burgandy/red streak in...
  5. I

    If I stopped being low-class and trashy, would my beloved Tim Tebow finally love me?

    Maybe he has seen my questions about him here, but he has also seen my questions about Uranus and Mianus, CT and thought that I'm a trashy girl. Well, I'm not. It's not my fault there is a planet and a town in CT with funny names I will make fun of. Should I stop it? I'd do anything for him. I...
  6. Jordan

    Why are gay people so trashy and slutty?

    you guys act like the only thing thats important to you is porn and sex. i guess that's the difference between straight couples and gay couples. straight couples fall in love while gay couples fall in lust.
  7. S

    Is having public sex a turn on, or trashy?

    my boyfriend && his ex, and they did a lot of that public sex, im super sexual, i love sex, i know i can please him, but i havnt tried any public sex like that girl....i figured he likes that since he stayed with her for a while. should i make things more crazy and be more outgoing with him...
  8. Y

    Looking for old sci-fi pulp fiction or trashy lurid stories that are exploitive

    and fun.? My father used to read this type of novel and I remember the great art work on the covers. I couldn't wait to learn to read. My father has passed away many years ago but I would like to discover what is inside them that made him like to read them so much.
  9. G

    Easel Turns Trashy TV Into High Art [Design]

    You have horrible taste in television. It's OK, we're not judging. Everyone has horrible taste in television—it's a prerequisite to hitting the power button. But there's a cure. No, don't you dare read. Just buy a $1000 TV easel. Once balanced at a 70-degree angle upon reclaimed oak, your LCD...
  10. L

    neon fish net or trashy!?

    ALWAYS trashy :P