
  1. U

    Why do some people care if people are gay, lesbian, or transsexual?

    I really don't like to watch anybody kissing with passion or lovemaking. What is the big deal? I, personally, am a male attracted to females. Logically, if there is a trait in some people (like me) that makes them attracted to females, then there is a trait in some people that makes them...
  2. T

    Female-To-Male Transsexual People (Transmen) Have More Autistic Traits

    A new study from Cambridge University, funded by the Medical Research Council, has found for the first time that female-to-male transsexual people have a higher than average number of autistic traits. The study has important implications for the clinical management of biological girls with...
  3. W

    would a transsexual be considered hetro or homo?

    hey i was wondering this... if a person was born female but always felt they should be a male, including the liking of girls in a romantic way and in college had surgery and stuff to make them be a male and was then in a committed relationship with a female be consider hetrosexual because they...
  4. D

    LGBT: Whats the effects of smoking marijuana while on HRT as a pre-op transsexual?

    I think my therapist said it has something to do with the THC messing up your hormones but idr...
  5. N

    Transsexual to bisexual coming out?

    I am 23 male to female transsexual and i haven't started transition yet but will very soon i have told all my friends, i don't speak with my family. Well i only have one really good male friend who oddly was ok with this. My dillema is everyone also thinks that i only like girls and i like...
  6. H

    according to studios what is the difference between a gay and transsexual?

    someone said transsexuality. it was to take homosexuality very far and to assume the roles of the opposite gender
  7. C

    asexual, transsexual, bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, metrosexual, homosexual?

    asexual, transsexual, bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, metrosexual, homosexual, heterosexual, allsexual what do they all meen it is so confusing oh yeah!!!!!!! (\__/) (='.'=) <(Mwuhahahahaha (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny to help him gain world domination