
  1. S

    Theres a girl in school that I talk too.I know she likes me and I like her but...

    ...theres alot of rumors.? All the guys says she going and that she breaks up with you after a week.My friend went out with her for a month and I have proof she gave a guy oral but should i listen to everybody and just stay friends or go ahead and ask her out?
  2. R

    Beauty Queens-fashion lovers,(AND YA GUYS TOO!)I need you taste for hair style!

    :D <3? Ok. Im between the ages of 13-16. And I wanted an opinion and good eye for style- for my hair. For private reasons i do not have a picture to share with you of myself. Anyway, Im looking for a hair style, with a sleek look. Something cute, funky, but sexy. Something not over dramatic-...