
  1. U

    "If I kick to timid,

    ****But the decisive factor is the last time the players themselves. Least George •; Wood does not look like is the ability to remember all those words more than people in mind. ****Let Dunn relax a little to be - half forty-five minutes already safely through, just boil forty-five minutes...
  2. R

    If he says I'm timid, does that mean he's not interested in me anymore?

    So this guy (he's 16) flirted a ton with me when we first met. The second time we met, he flirted a little less but I still thought he liked me. When we were walking down the hallway together, he noted how I "was timid when you didn't really know me, but now you know me and you're still timid."...
  3. A

    Conservatives: we won, so would you agree now is not the time to be timid in our

    demands? stop spending repeal Obama Care downsize goverment no ifs, ands or buts
  4. C

    What does it mean to be a timid Christian?

    My Christian friends say in College I have to be strong a not a timid Christian and stand firm for Christ and what I believe. That's what they mean Martin S!
  5. D

    How do i introduce my timid shy scared syrian hamster to my friendly dog?

    How do i introduce my scared pet hamster to my friendly pet dog?
  6. H

    New kitten? I have a male cat., Dodge of 3 years, he has a timid character...

    ...but is full of fun and mischief.? He likes playing with the next door's cats so I wanted to bring a new kitten/young cat into the household Iin order to give Dodge a playmate. Please advise me the best way to do this so Dodge is not feeling usurped and jealous and remain 'TOP CAT' also is...