
  1. C

    Would you prefer to live in a Christian theocracy?

    It seems that many in the United States would, since they want to infuse Christianity into the law. Even if I were religious I wouldn't want to live in a theocracy. I think that both religion and government mutually benefit from remaining separate.
  2. D

    Do Christians want a Theocracy back in America?

    I thought is historically inaccurate, the Pilgrims may have open a door to our country but they killed Native Americans, Quakers, Catholics, and banned people who outcasts or 'sinners'. Do Americans want a Theocracy back in America? I don't. Do we want to close down public schools so our...
  3. P

    To the ones who say a Republican CHristian Theocracy can't happen to the U.S.?

    The U.S. Constitution has been fiddled with before... ever hear of the 18th Amendment? While it is a wonderful document... it is just that.. a document and can be destroyed or changed. Chippy... SO? I am just saying the constitution can be messed with. The 18th amendment proves that.
  4. P

    With the budding Republican Christian Theocracy movement that seems to be...

    ...taking shape, isn't it common? sense to " hope for the best but prepare for the worst" for pagans and others who aren't christian and have no desire to convert? I do believe that steps will be taken to begin turning the U.S. into a christian theocracy by the republicans that are currently...
  5. P

    In the event of The Republican CHristian theocracy take over of the U.S.,...

    ...what other countries might take? in the pagans and such of the U.S. A country that pagan refugees from the U.S. could go and find safety?
  6. X

    Secularism/western liberalism or religion and the state as one. A theocracy?

    In response to an earlier question about why Islam is not secular, I've got an answer, but though i would get more feedback by making it a question. So here was my answer, let me know what you think. Liberal/secular democracies have failed. Crime has gone UP. Drug use has gone UP. There is...