
  1. A

    Tom Brady tries to run upfield and gets tackled by official, summing up his day (VIDE

    Tom Brady probably should have known it wasn't his day when he tried to run upfield against the Ravens and got tackled by an official. The first play after the two-minute warning of the first half in the AFC championship game, the Patriots' quarterback eluded the rush and got past the line of...
  2. M

    My friend tackled me in front of my crush? (funny story?)?

    My friend Emry and I were walking and I saw him and said "Oh, Brent (fake name) is over there, pleeeease don't say anything. Promise?" Then she says ok and I try to make her pinky promise me and then she grabs my hand and shouts "BRENT! BRENT! COME OVER HERE, BRENT!" and then I see her crush...
  3. C

    How do i avoid getting tackled in soccer/football?

    is there a technique were i can improve prevting on getting tackled?
  4. B

    If you simply fall onto the field in a baseball game will you be tackled?

    Drunken wack jobs run onto the field waving towels or sprinting in spider man suits but I heard that if you fall on the field you will be told to leave the ball park.
  5. I

    How do you get rid of the pain in your right shoulder/arm area after being tackled?

    The other day my friend tackled me and we fell on to the grass and I landed in my right side. My body didn't really hurt just got a head ache. But when I got home a few hours later my shoulder started to hurt. It's only been like two days and my brother says he thinks its just my muscles that...