
  1. G

    Why was Neji's Swastika In Naruto switched to an "x"?

    I know what the original meaning of the Swastika and that it ment peace in Buddhist religion, India, Africa and even symbols in Native America have been found. I've read about it a few years ago. So my question is why did the maker of Naruto change the symbol from a Swastika to an "X" on the...
  2. A

    What is the ALT code for a Swastika?

    I have been told that it's alt + 21325 and alt + 21328 However, when I type in these codes, I get a capital M and P, respectively. If somebody knows why, or how I can get a swastika via alt codes in this situation, please post it and thank you in advance.. P.S. "Go back to your cave" in advance...
  3. J

    Nazi Swastika tattoo is a joke?

    This kid and i both in math class sitting and talking while the professor is going on about something and somehow a tattoo conversation starts. He tells me he has a swastika tattoo and i didn't believe it and he lifted his shirt in the back and he actually has a nazi's swastika tattoo and it's...