
  1. Y

    Stardom Hollywood : How to move homes?

    I bought an apartment downtown but the apartment in the Neighborhood is still labeled as "My Home." Also, I still can't get the pets that are allowed Downtown but not in the Neighborhood. How can I make mkay downtown apartment my official home?
  2. H

    Anyone have stardom the a list or stardom hollywood? i need game center friends :)?

    Please leave your username below for game center if you have ANY stardom game. i would really appreciate it, as i have no one right now :) thanks xx
  3. S

    Stardom iPhone game question?

    I asked this earlier but it wouldn't let me edit the question- it says I have to buy a leopard print shirt and wear it out. I have the shirt and am wearing it but what else do I have to do? (If it makes any difference I owned the shirt and was wearing itbefore the publicist lady told me to get one)