
  1. T

    Is there any game for iPad where you can cast spells, craft gear, heal,

    etc. stuff like that? K, so I have a ipad, and I really want a game where you can level up, cast spells, or use swords, heal yourself. Have stats, craft special gear, farm for special gear, stuff like that. Kinda like wizard101. pls help me!
  2. R

    Any Thoughts on rules for dodging magic spells in Basic Roleplaying (BRP)?

    I'm a GM of Chaosium's Basic Roleplaying for a little over a year. We've finally gotten around to a fantasy themed game set in Middle Earth where magic is common. But we've got a problem. The Big Gold Rulebook says virtually nothing about dodging spells. Specifically, whether the dodge skill...
  3. J

    What kind of magic spells would you like to find in a fantasy novel?

    In a fantasy novel what kind of spells and such would like to or expect to find? Are there any classic ones that you particularly enjoy? Have you ever thought "I wish there was a spell to. . ."? Please don't say to wash the dishes or clean my house or anything like that. And please no reversing...
  4. B

    Simple spells for a newbie?

    i would like to get into the art of magic...BUT i could use a hand. there's alot of sites out there with spells but...i dun trust them so for all you mages out there can you teach me?
  5. T

    Simple spells for a newbie?

    wingardium leviosa, expecto patronum, lumos, and my favorite, AVADA KEDAVRA!
  6. D

    in zatch bell how many spells does gash learn?

    and what they do if you can remember!
  7. N

    In disgaea for the ds, what spells do clerics get?

    Is Heal the only one, or can I expect something else in the future?
  8. S

    Why is it that witchcraft spells placed on someone makes the persons ears ring?

    Tinnitus? Has anyone evey had the dead summoned after them to try and seize / stop there heart while they slept to kill them? Has anyone ever had witchcraft / demonology used on them which caused their heart to hurt or cause you to have irregular heart palpitations? Would anyone care to...
  9. P

    How does white magic spells work?

    I was contemplating purchasing a magic spell that is done by someone for wealth and to help my debts disappear. The lady says I will have to chant something after she completes her ritual for me. How does that work? I am confused. I am new to magic and spells and stuff. Is this evil? Has anyone...
  10. B

    can having bad eyesight without wearing glasses cause dizziness and dizzy spells?

    my vision is blurry and has been for a while now and i am starting to get dizzy alot during the day and the past few days been having atleast one "dizzy spell" a day.... my blood pressure is fine and i have been tested for diabetes and came out fine as well....my eyesight is getting...
  11. T

    My Friend says that vag1na spells like fish is that true?

    ha.. im just curious so just askin this question here give ur opinion
  12. A

    Need help. Rap song. Guy spells something out, starting with T. Then

    says "cause she like me" / "they like me"? Not sure who the rapper is, though it isn't that "Oh I Think She Like Me" song. The beat is slick and the rappers style is understated. Song is in my head. I think it's a couple years old.
  13. H

    In ~ the past 5 months, I have had 3 spells of extreme dizziness hit and pass...

    ...within 60 seconds? I am a 38 year old male. I'd say I have had pretty good health (at least physically) over the past 38 years of my life. I am on no medications. 1) I'd estimate this first happened ~ September 1, 2008. I was sitting alone in my office. Out of the blue, EXTREME...