
  1. I

    Good riddance to bad riddles. Report abuse for all "polar bear" riddles as spammers.?

    Good riddance to bad riddles. Report abuse for all "polar bear" riddles as spammers.? No joke. Just trying to clear up this section and make it fun again. Call the guy in the bar facing a shotgun riddle spam also, please, thank you. If we all complain, Yahoo will take action.
  2. R

    Why Do People Keep Buying From Spammers? Do They Not Care About The Rest Of Us?

    Something like 90% of ALL Email is Spam. These Spammers send the SAME Spam Emails, To The SAME People, Every Single Day! And the only reason they do this, is because people actually keeping buying from them. So if a Spammer send 700 Trillion Spam Emails, and 100 people buy from them; then they...
  3. G

    More New Zealand spammers caught and sentenced

    Two more New Zealanders have admitted their part in a major international spamming operation and must pay substantial financial penalties.
  4. G

    More New Zealand spammers caught and sentenced

    Two more New Zealanders have admitted their part in a major international spamming operation and must pay substantial financial penalties.
  5. G

    More New Zealand spammers caught and sentenced

    Two more New Zealanders have admitted their part in a major international spamming operation and must pay substantial financial penalties.
  6. B

    Who on Yahoo would actually buy from SPAMMERS?

    I can't believe the amount of people that even think about making a purchase from these daily Con Artists...EVERY single one is either COUNTERFEIT GOODS or a SCAM!! They ALL come from OVERSEAS!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!
  7. B

    Who on Yahoo would actually buy from SPAMMERS?

    I can't believe the amount of people that even think about making a purchase from these daily Con Artists...EVERY single one is either COUNTERFEIT GOODS or a SCAM!! They ALL come from OVERSEAS!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!
  8. J

    If cellphone spammers arent seriously dealt with are you willing to dump your

    cellphone? last time i got this warranty spam i threw my cellphone up against the wall....i can't even trust who's calling and then i get charged for the voicemail they leave...i'm ready to dump my cellphone until its seriously looked into by the phone companies...
  9. J

    What do you think about Israel putting propagandist spammers on the internet?

    Antisemitism....A Zionists best friend.