
  1. J

    Why are soundtracks bundled with bluerays so much now?

    Why are soundtracks bundled with bluerays so much now? Recently i've been noticing an increase in japanese anime soundtracks being treated as "extras" in Blueray bundles. This usually leads to some pretty high prices ranging from 86 to as high as 380 dollars. As a person who loves buying music...
  2. M

    Does anyone know any really good Sci-Fi/Fantasy movie soundtracks (preferably...

    ...from the 80's)? I absolutely love movie soundtracks, especially ones from the 80's (doesn't necessarily have to have been made in that decade, but a similar sound to it would be nice). I prefer the ones that have that Sci-Fi/Fantasy mysterious feel about them. It's also better if they have no...
  3. B

    I want music/ soundtracks like this !!?

    Please listen to music being played in this video, & i want to know from where i can download these types of music/soundtracks ?? i like soft music like the one played in this video .
  4. J

    where can i get traditional Chinese movie soundtracks to download. Possibly torrent

    file? i need to download good easy listening Chinese traditional songs similar to the music played in their movies
  5. U

    where can i find torrent of Charlie st Cloud movie soundtracks ?? please help me!!?

    new movie of zac efron and amanda crew has been released..but stil i can't find its soundtracks :( ....
  6. K

    where can i download Vexille anime soundtracks zip. ?

    or at least tell me the list of the songs
  7. T

    Where i could get Soundtracks for my video story .. i need it slowly with

    dramatic end ? could anybody help me,please?
  8. S

    Top best movie soundtracks?

    What are your favorite movie soundtracks? :)
  9. E

    Any advice on selling videogame soundtracks?

    I have a bunch of used videogame soundtracks and albums on CD ("Final Fantasy IX", "The Black Mages", "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night", to name a few) that I've been looking to sell on eBay. Unfortunately, I could barely find any listings for these soundtracks on the site, which makes me...
  10. L

    any movies with good soundtracks?

    to rap on? what are they?
  11. Z

    How does the travel channel get soundtracks?

    The answer doesn't have to specifically apply to the travel channel. It could apply to smaller budget documentary style shows or even something like Amazing Race. Do they actual have people compose new soundtracks for every show? Do they license already existing music for every show? Do they buy...
  12. M

    GTA:Vice City Stories Custom Soundtracks MP3?

    I know how to put tracks from a cd onto my custom tracks for gta on my psp but i want to get music from windows media player or itunes and add them to custom soundtracks. Please help me put mp3 tracks onto my psp.
  13. G

    Which movies have memorable soundtracks with very melodic themes?

    preferably string or orchestral based arrangements. Like Life is Beautiful:
  14. B

    do i need a new home theater system to enjoy blu ray movie soundtracks?

    i have a sony reviever 5.1.. do i need a new one or will the one i have do fine with a blu ray player
  15. C

    what are the soundtracks of this episode please ? Gossip Girl S02E15?

    Can anyone tell me the soundtracks of Gossip Girl season two episode 15 i will be very aperciate it
  16. M

    Where can i listen to mobile suit gundam MS IGLOO 2 soundtracks?

    yeh... i kinda liked the song at the part when he launches a missile down that zaku type 2 near the end.. that song in particular was most invigorating =D