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    Sneaky ingredients in your skin-care products

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    Afternoon Links: Why You Shouldn’t Use Your Kids’ Skincare Products

    • Johnson & Johnson isn't for grown-ups; here's why you shouldn't use your kids' skin care products (DivineCaroline) • Looking to try barefoot running? Prep yourself with these tips first (FitSugar) • Finally! The nutritionally-balanced pizza of your dreams, maybe (The Stir) • Color-treated...
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    Apparently Nightingale Excrement Makes For Great Skincare – Just Ask Tom Cruise

    After the recent publicity tour for Rock of Ages, we're all well aware that Tom Cruise doesn't age. And everyone's trying to figure out the soon-to-be 50-year-0ld's secret. The tabloid Now claims*to have the answer: Bird Poo Facials! More »Post from: Blisstree
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    I ask this ? a lot lol but what is your skincare routine...and what kind of makeup... you wear after that? ummmmm ^ just read the question.....uh and what brand do you wear (makeup and skincare products)...everyone gets a thumbs up :) thank you
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    Natural Beauty: Food as Skincare

    How many facial soaps, scrubs, cleansers, wipes, lotions, and masks have you tried so far in your lifetime? Yep…us, too. We think it’d be amazing (and lucrative!) to never need a skincare product again. While you’ll probably always need a facial cleanser, you might be able to ease up on ...
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    Which line of skincare product (cleanser/ moisturizer) has the most...

    ...satisfaction rate and a trust able line? Neutrogeana Olay Eucerin Cetaphil Clean and Clear Aveeno I choose olay. what do you guys think...