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    For Real? Alicia Silverstone, PETA Ask Putin To Let Pussy Riot Member Eat Vegan

    When I first brought up this story, one of the other writers here said: "I kind of love Alicia Silverstone. She just does her, you know?" That's for sure. And right now, 'doing her' means writing a letter urging Russian President Vladimir Putin to allow Russian punk/feminist band Pussy Riot to...
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    Alicia Silverstone Launches Eco-Friendly Beauty Line That Actually Looks Pretty Great

    Say what you will about Alicia Silverstone's recent "baby-birding" kerfuffle, but the fact is that the Clueless star has grown into quite the advocate for animal rights, veganism, and green living; her blog,*The Kind Life, has become a go-to resource for moms and non-moms alike, looking for...
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    Pictures: Alicia Silverstone Spitting Food

    The Hollywood types can be weird. Really weird. Alicia Silverstone might take the cake … chew it and then spit it into her son’s mouth. Check out these Alicia Silverstone pictures of her spitting food. Yes, Alicia Silverstone is chewing food and then spitting it in her son’s mouth. Apparently...