
  1. B

    Which guitar is better for "shredding," an Epiphone Prophecy Les Paul Custom

    Which guitar is better for "shredding," an Epiphone Prophecy Les Paul Custom ex(2012), or an Ibanez RG3EXFM1? I'm torn between these two. The epiphone has the EMG 81/85 humbuckers, but I'm afraid that they might be too dark, and they use a battery, whereas, I'm afraid the Ibanez will sound too...
  2. J

    How can I stop my cat shredding the carpet?

    My cat is a spoilt kitty. He has scratching posts, toys and goes outside to play every night but still has one spot at the top of the stairs he LOVES to scratch. We have tried spraying him with water, which he does run from, but it doesn't deter him doing it again, and we have laid a rug over...