
  1. G

    I am looking for a personal shopper in France who will list on ebay?

    I am looking for a personal shopper in France who will list on ebay? I am a pen and stationary collector in Toronto, Canada. I want to get some used small plastic stationary souvenirs from online french classifieds site and the seller only sells to people in france. I would like somebody in...
  2. D

    Shopper's Paradise game for Blackberry, How to get Multiple stores?

    how do you get another jewelry store? the one goal is to have like 5 of the same i waited for the competitor to eventually buy a jewelry store, but he just never did! so how do you get multiple of the same stores in this game?
  3. M

    Coupon classic: Our shopper trims time at grocery, yet saves $86

    [No message]
  4. B

    can you sell stuff (create on online shopper on blogger)? 10pts best answer?

    If so how? And if not are there any FREE blogs/websites hosting sites that you can (no cafepress or anything similiar, I just want to have a site and keep MY profits)? Also don't recommend any web hosting websites unless they are 100% free.
  5. D

    mamas and papas ora or jeep shopper 6?

    I am considering buying either a mamas and papas ora or a jeep shopper 6 for my almost 1 year old son. does anyone have any experience using either of these and what did they think? My main considerations other than of course saftey , are that a have to go up stairs to get to my door ( so does...