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    More Terrible News From Hurricane Sandy: Water Contaminated With Sewage And Other Gro

    As if thousands of people through the Northeast don't have enough destruction to deal with from Hurricane Sandy, now many residents in New York and New Jersey alone are having to deal with another dangerous--and possibly deadly--issue: contaminated water that is loaded with sewage, bacteria and...
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    What are the negative impacts that sewage has on coastal ares?

    besides threats to marine biodiversity and threats to human health...what are the others...i need just one more
  3. B

    Why does food dishes from India smell like a combination of death and sewage?

    What do they put in that stuff
  4. A

    Vols fan petitions for Lane Kiffin sewage center

    Vols fans, yeah, they’re different. A Knoxville, TN attorney has filed paperwork to name the city’s sewage treatment facility after departed and maligned coach Lane Kiffin. David McElroy paid the $236 application fee and plans to follow through with the city’s utilities board. “It dawned on...
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    Where online can i watch childrens TV "Come Outside" sewage episode featuring fake...

    Where online can i watch childrens TV "Come Outside" sewage episode featuring fake... ...poo? BBC have removed this episode from website (censorsed)
  6. D

    How are you making ends meet living on Oahu, HI? Price hikes sewage & HECO?

    Price increases for groceries, electricity, water bill so on.... Are you living paycheck to paycheck?