
  1. H

    My parents are arguing like **** and it's scaring the heck out of my poor dog...?

    We live in a flat, a very small one, and my parents are screaming at each other so much, I'm pretty sure the whole town can hear us. The house is echoing with their voices, and my dog is pretty upset about this noise. I told them to be considerate but they swore at me and carried on. It is late...
  2. M

    Halloween fright: How to avoid scaring up allergies and asthma

    [No message]
  3. I

    This guy is scaring me. How to tell him nicely that i am not interested?

    Ok he always tells me to call him. whenever I forget or don't want to, or I don't return his calls.. He says and sees me the next day and says 'why didn't you call me back' and he seems angry for a split second then returns back to normal. he always asks who I am texting, says and thinks I am...
  4. M

    My dog is whining and it's scaring me?

    Hello, I have a 2 year old Shih Tzu who has been whiny and panting for the past day. Last night he would not go to sleep, a very unusual thing for him (he is a sleep-o-holic once it becomes dark). He spent most of the night whining and crying. I took him out much more often than normal. I...
  5. P

    One armed CBeebies host is scaring kids so parents write in and complain?

    Wouldn't you just teach your children about people who have disabilities rather than show your ignorance and write in?
  6. M

    my mom and dad arguing a lot.its scaring me?

    so lately my mom and dad are arguing a lot and its really scaring me.. to the point where i go in my bedroom , lock the door and want to cry so i put on loud music on my ipod so i dont have to hear them. my mom seems to wind him up purposely like she moans about him working too much but he has...