
  1. C

    Satanism, Darwinism is the answer to the purpose of life?

    I am fascinated with Satanism and things like Thelema because I don't believe in an all knowing God anymore. I do believe in demons and angels but these can be differently interpreted. I do believe in aliens and spirts and these may have seemed to be Gods over the centuries but they are not. We...
  2. C

    Egyptian, Greek, Satanism versus Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and Islam?

    Is it true that the Egyptian, Greek and Satanist lifestyle is of the Devil (sin) and Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and Islam is of the holy spirit (aka God)? Egyptian, Greek, Satanism > allows us to endure in all lusts Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and Islam > wishes to protect us from...
  3. M

    I took a religion quiz twice and I scored high on SATANISM? WTF!?

    My first score was 85% the second was 100%!!!
  4. M

    Satanism vs Scientology?

    If you were forced to choose between these two religions, which one would you choose to follow and why?
  5. G

    Are any Christians aware that Magic and Satanism are not the same thing?

    It's only BLACK magic that does that stuff. 99.9% of magic does not involve demons or the devil to any degree? @Mother Cow: To put it bluntly, I don't really care what the bible has to say on the matter. Magic is not part of your religion, so of course the men (Or God if you must) who wrote your...
  6. M

    Is Satanism the only religion that teaches us to love life?

    After reading so many different bibles it seems that the Satanic Bible is the only one that teaches you to love life as well as Law and Order. Why is that? Why are people into god telling me not to love life? is the Satanic Bible then the true Bible as it teaches these wonderful loving things?
  7. S

    Is satanism like judaism?? Is it the same religion?? Do they differ a

    little?? Are they completely different? I prefer someone who is satanist or jews to answer this :)))
  8. J

    Where can I learn more about LaVeyan Satanism?

    I want to learn more about LaVeyan Satanism. I am VERY interested in it because I share a lot of it's beliefs on sex, Fundamental individualism and anti-altruism. I would love to here from LaVeyan Satanist. Comments from followers of Theistic Satanism
  9. D

    I pity the fool who thinks satanism is a trend?

  10. R

    My boyfriend is into Satanism?

    I'm 15 and he's 17. I went over to his house and he wasn't home yet. So I just hung out in his room until he came home so we could be together. I found a book by his computer with a star on it. It looked pretty old but kinda cool looking. I opened it up and started to read it. It's full of...
  11. T

    Is Satanism the only religion for atheists?

    Since Satanism is a religion of skeptical atheists who deny anything that has to do with the occult and the spiritual and supernatural. Is it the only religion that consists of complete atheists? satanlovesus: thanks. I guess that is my answer then some of these answers are good, others who...
  12. T

    Is Satanism the only non-Occult religion in the world?

    Since all spiritual religions like christianity, wicca, paganism, etc are all based on occultism and the supernatural, etc. And Satanism rejects and deny's all spiritual supernatural mumbo-jumbo and instead embraces reality, atheism, nature and carnality, etc. Does that make Satanism the only...
  13. A

    Technically, is Satanism really a religion?

    First of all, I am NOT referring to Theist-Satanism, I am referring to Satanism. There is a difference between the two and if you don't realize that then don't bother answering this question. Now ; on to my question. Religion is belief in a Deity. Satanism is worship of yourself, to put it...