
  1. G

    Rick Santorum is out of the race.

    Rick Santorum, Republican Candidate, has essentially dropped out of the Republican presidential race. Gone, but not forgotten. Read the comments on this post...
  2. G

    Rick Santorum on Creationism Laws

    This just in: Baton Rouge, LA -- (March 27, 2012) -- At Senator Santorum's March 23rd rally in Pineville Louisiana, student activist, Zack Kopplin, had the chance to question the Senator about creationism laws. Kopplin, who has led the effort to repeal Louisiana's creationism law, the misnamed...
  3. A

    Fellow Republicans: When did our shirtless Ricky Santorum find time for this

    gay cruise picture? in Puerto Rico yet! Will this help or hurt with the important Gay Republican vote? Okay, Jsp, but I don't think he had it up in this picture and some might find that unsettling on several levels.
  4. H

    is rick santorum really a catholic or a catholic with a protestant background?

    I have seen videos and he takes part of the evangelical churches but I am not sure if he is catholic because he says that or he is catholic but his mind is a fundamentalist protestant christian, as a catholic, I don't find many things that support the catholicism in his ideas, instead of that he...
  5. R

    Why and how is it that the people who excoriate Rick Santorum for his personal

    view against contraception...? don't summon up the same vitriol for Barack Obama's personal view against Gay Marriage? Just wondering.
  6. R

    Why and how is it that the people who excoriate Rick Santorum for his personal

    view against contraception...? don't summon up the same vitriol for Barack Obama's personal view against Gay Marriage? Just wondering.
  7. H

    Republicans, do you really believe that Santorum can beat President Obama?

    I'm seriously wondering. I believe if he gets the nomination, Obama just got re-elected. Santorum is too conservative for most Americans, in my opinion. I believe Romney is the only one who can beat Obama.
  8. A

    Santorum Backer Foster Friess Suggests ‘Gals’ Use Aspirin As Birth Control

    'Gals,' we need to get serious about this birth control silliness. Because Foster Friess, major donor to Rick Santorum's super PAC and contraceptive pragmatist wants you to know that you're all just being a bunch of ninnies. Clearly, the solution to the birth control debate (which is now being...
  9. J

    Why is Ron Paul lying about Rick Santorum's record? They have robocalls going out

    saying Rick is pro abortion? and against the right to bare arms? What is up with that? I though Ron Paul was supposed to be an honest guy?
  10. M

    The greeting that Santorum gets ( the boooos ) in N.H. , is that a local custom?

    Or is that just reserved for empty air heads that can't answer the question of a 17 year old girl ? @ Di : Gay marriage has nothing to do with polygamy . @ Di : the problem is when a candidate isn't smart enough to separate the issues and just muddies the water with nonsense . If you need...
  11. A

    Boo’s For Rick Santorum Who Somehow Believes Gay Marriage Is Equal To Polygamy

    Rick Santorum didn't exactly win over a group of college students in New Hampshire yesterday. And that's putting it lightly. The Republican presidential candidate was booed at the 2012 College Convention in Concord over his rather conservative views on same-sex marriage--especially when he...