
  1. A

    how to unfreeze my Samsung Instinct s30 phone?

    my phone is all touh screen and it will not unfreeze . it 's either frozen or i will touch something but it will go to something an centimeter above that . [ i guess the calibration is off ] . idk what to do . i took the battery out about 10 times and about 5 times i blew in my phone and on the...
  2. A

    how to unfreeze my Samsung Instinct s30 phone?

    my phone is all touh screen and it will not unfreeze . it 's either frozen or i will touch something but it will go to something an centimeter above that . [ i guess the calibration is off ] . idk what to do . i took the battery out about 10 times and about 5 times i blew in my phone and on the...
  3. A

    how to unfreeze my Samsung Instinct s30 phone?

    my phone is all touh screen and it will not unfreeze . it 's either frozen or i will touch something but it will go to something an centimeter above that . [ i guess the calibration is off ] . idk what to do . i took the battery out about 10 times and about 5 times i blew in my phone and on the...
  4. K

    Best gba emulator for gba symbian s30 direct download?

    hi i realy want to play golden sun in my symbian.. I own a vbagx 1.25 which is thier latest version and it had a lot of bugs that wont make golden sun playable.. Please sudgest a nice emulator.. My mobile phone is, nokia 5730xmusic supported by ngage.. S60v2.. Thanks
  5. C

    Is there a way to enable bluetooth when listening to music? (Instinct S30)?

    Title says it all. Basically, I've synced my bluetooth headset to my Instinct S30 and was able to use it when I placed a call. However, I've seen my friend listen to music on his phone (different model), and was wondering if I could do the same. My music only plays through the cell phone...
  6. M

    Should I Get the Samsung Instinct s30 or the LG Rumor Touch?

    I have looked at both phones, but I can't decide which one is right for me. I was hoping people with either of these phones could help me a little. I want my phone to be good for messaging and web browsing. I don't mind battery life, because I don't use my phone that much. Also, here are the...
  7. G

    Can I activate a Samsung Instinct S30 on Sprint without a data plan?

    I bought the Samsung Instinct S30 on Amazon, without contract. I would like to use it just as a voice phone on my current Sprint voice-only plan. Can I just change the phone on my plan? Can I do it online? Or do I have to switch to a data plan, which I do not need?
  8. J

    Samsung Instinct s30 Ringtones?

    How do i add my ringtones from my PC to my phone? I have tried over and over and still no luck. do i have to create a specific folder name on my sd card so that it can show up on my ringers? i have tried everything and i still can't figure it out. i am not looking for ringtone download sites. i...
  9. J

    Samsung Instinct S30. I can not get ringtones onto my phone. I have tried

    everything.? I have a Samsung Instinct s30. I can not get ringtones onto my phone. Everytime that I put them onto my phone they always go to the My Music folder. They will not go into my tones where I have to have them to be able to use them as a ringtone. I tried changing them from mp3 to...
  10. G

    How come when i watch a video on youtube on my samsung instinct s30 i cant pause...

    ...it or fastforward it? Its getting annoying.
  11. M

    can i get a update a navman s30 ?

    is it free and where can i get it