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    RNA Binding Ability Of FUS Essential To Development Of ALS

    Research led by Dr. Udai Pandey, Assistant Professor of Genetics at LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans, has found that the ability of a protein made by a gene called FUS to bind to RNA is essential to the development of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). This discovery identifies a...
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    Epigenetic Memory May Pass RNA Silencing From 1 Generation To The Next

    Organisms employ a fascinating array of strategies to identify and restrain invasive pieces of foreign DNA, such as those introduced by viruses. For example, many viruses produce double-stranded (ds)RNA during their life cycle and the RNA interference (RNAi) mechanism is thought to recognize...
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    A New Target For Cancer Therapy Could Be An RNA Regulator Of Melanoma

    Melanoma is the most deadly form of skin cancer, estimated by the National Cancer Institute to afflict more than 70,000 people in the United States annually and the incidence rate continues to rise. In a study published online in Genome Research, researchers have identified a previously unknown...
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    RNA Molecule Identified As A Potential Target For New Alzheimer's Therapies

    Proteins are the molecular machines of the cell. They transport materials, cleave products or transmit signals- and for a long time, they have been a main focus of attention in molecular biology research. In the last two decades, however, another class of critically important molecules has...
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    BGI Develops RNA-Seq (Quantification) From As Low As 100 Ng Total RNA

    BGI, the world's largest genomics organization, reported that they have achieved optimization RNA-Seq (Quantification) library construction with total RNA inputs as low as 100 ng. This breakthrough enables the application of RNA-Seq (Quantification) technology to experimental designs utilizing...
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    Hitting Moving RNA Drug Targets

    By accounting for the floppy, fickle nature of RNA, researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of California, Irvine have developed a new way to search for drugs that target this important molecule. Their work appears in the June 26 issue of Nature Chemical Biology. Once...
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    Scientists Discover Protein Discover Protein That Shuttles RNA Into Mitochrondria

    Researchers at UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center and the departments of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Pathology and Laboratory Medicine have uncovered a role for an essential cell protein in shuttling RNA into the mitochondria, the energy-producing "power plant" of the cell. The...
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    Electrophoresis Of RNA, Avian Imaging Featured In June's Cold Spring Harbor Protocols

    Gel electrophoresis is one of the most important and frequently used techniques in RNA analysis. Electrophoresis is used for RNA detection, quantification, purification by size and quality assessment. Gels are involved in a wide variety of methods including northern blotting, primer extension...
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    Electrophoresis Of RNA, Avian Imaging Featured In June's Cold Spring Harbor Protocols

    Gel electrophoresis is one of the most important and frequently used techniques in RNA analysis. Electrophoresis is used for RNA detection, quantification, purification by size and quality assessment. Gels are involved in a wide variety of methods including northern blotting, primer extension...
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    New Tool For RNA Silencing

    Anti-sense reagents have been developed for C. elegans micro RNA. Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access journal Silence have created the first class of reagents to potently and selectively inhibit miRNAs in this widely used model organism. Wen-hong Li, from the University of Texas...