
  1. A

    help quiting chewing tobacco?

    im 16 and ive chewed about 6 cans of tobacco....i wanna quit now so i dont get cancer and lose my life...its a nasty habit what are some tips and how long do you think till my gums are back to normal so my dentist doesnt know also do you think thats enough to become addicted....I know you think...
  2. J

    Quiting smoking after 1 year and a half?

    Well i'm 17 and have been smoking a year and a half. it's gotten to the point where i'm finding it difficult to function without one and is no longer social, so i have decided to quit, today is the first day. Will my lungs be bad after one year? Will they recover? and will my skin improve? like...
  3. C

    Planning on quiting high school football?

    Hi I'm 16 and I just started to play football a year ago...I was on JV Our season is over So far I don't like football is not my Favorite sport Couch wants to play next year but I just joined football to lose the weight I'm a 6.2 t n 260 w That pretty good to play football but football is...
  4. J

    I drive a 2001 mitsubishi galant. The car has started quiting on me when it is

    in idle? I would start it and it would slowly go dead.sometimes I have to put my foot on the acclerator to keep it started and it makes the loud screeching sound. I just got it out of the shop. The mechanic said he cleaned out the catalytic converter but the car is doing the same thing. what...
  5. E

    Quiting smoking: Nicotine Patches: Have you ever suffered side effects from them?

    Have had pains in my arm(Patch was on), also felt breathless, sleepy and unwell, is this common? I haden't smoked for about 6 years, maybe it's because of that that it's effected me this time(And the last)
  6. M

    Is there any restriction for travelling to Bahrain after quiting a job without...

    ...notice and leaving the country? I work in Bahrain at a large company for couple of months in 2008-2009 then for personal reasons (no misconduct or whatsoever..just personal family reasons) I quit and travelled without notifying the company and never come back again..Is there any kind of...
  7. B

    When quiting smoking, does 1 slip up count?

    like i quit about a week ago and tonight i had 1 slip up, does that mean i have to srart from day one? i only had 1 smoke and i have no intentions of having anymore, but im scared i might have to start from ground 0, am i still good?
  8. J

    Should I be worried if my PS3 restarts its self after quiting a game?

    I would like to add that I only had my PS3 for about 2 weeks. This has only happened to me ONCE. I do not fell like taking to Game stop(again) and having it exchanged. My PS3 is a 80gig model. Also this happened about 10 minutes ago. The game was Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe
  9. B

    how long are you sick from quiting smoking?

    i have been smoking for about 7 months and i just quit a couple of days ago and now im coughing a lot and have dark green snot and congestion and its kinda hard to breath. how long till i start to feel better?? o and Ive been using patchs.
  10. G

    Rumor has it, that Kristen Stuart from Twilight is quiting..?

    Rumor has it that Bella from the twilight movie is quiting cause rob called her a fatty! and that vanessa hudgens will play it if she quits? is this true?!?!?!?!??!??!??!??!??!??! i will hate it... and i hope it is not true...