
  1. A

    For Real? Alicia Silverstone, PETA Ask Putin To Let Pussy Riot Member Eat Vegan

    When I first brought up this story, one of the other writers here said: "I kind of love Alicia Silverstone. She just does her, you know?" That's for sure. And right now, 'doing her' means writing a letter urging Russian President Vladimir Putin to allow Russian punk/feminist band Pussy Riot to...
  2. H

    Putin Says Russian Economy Improving

    Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin says his country's economy is improving rapidly.Discount ugg boots Putin said Friday that Russia "has managed to overcome the recession in a relatively short time." Speaking at an investor forum in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, Putin predicted a 4.4...
  3. J

    Tony Hayward, do U suppose your working relationship with Putin will be even better

    than it was w/Obama's.? Putin does love oil & sure can use your help in getting all that black gold out of the Arctic Ocean,especially during summer months.
  4. J

    Tony Hayward, do U suppose your working relationship with Putin will be even better

    than it was w/Obama's.? Putin does love oil & sure can use your help in getting all that black gold out of the Arctic Ocean,especially during summer months.
  5. B

    Were you surprised to hear that Putin is blaming America for Russian spies being

    caught in the states? Do you think Obama will issue Russia an apology for catching their spies?
  6. T

    Vladimir Putin is GAY!?

    I knew it all along, he like Abba, Judo (hugging men), kissess all these leaders, conmstyantly walking around with hjis shirt off, the scenes he's in look very familiar to Brokeback mountain, he must be GAY!