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    The First Comprehensive And Prospective Characterization Of A Genetic Subtype Of Auti

    In the first prospective study of its kind, Seaver Autism Center researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai provide new evidence of the severity of intellectual, motor, and speech impairments in a subtype of autism called Phelan-McDermid Syndrome (PMS). The data are published...
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    It is best to consist of many reaction solutions for the prospective customers

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    Prospective Memphis Grizzlies owner may not be approved due to money problems, sales

    In June, the Memphis Grizzlies announced that the franchise was in the process of being sold to Silicon Villey near-billionaire Robert Pera. While Pera lives and works in Northern California, he promised not to move the team, which had been feared. These were all good developments for the...
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    If I have migraines and back trouble, should I tell my prospective future employer?

    I have migraines. They come at least once a month. I do have a prescription that I take when this happens. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Also, I have a bad back. It can go out whenever it likes. I have had it go out just because I was standing, sitting, etc. It just comes and...
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    Help! I could use some fresh prospective please!?

    Help! I could use some fresh prospective please! I am working on some character profile for a new project I am working on and I am having a hard time settling on a name for my two main characters. The story takes place in a small made up town. Very quaint, very small town charm-ish, the...
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    How should a gay prospective Embry Riddle student expect to be treated?

    I am thinking about going to school at Embry Riddle, the Daytona Beach campus. Being gay, how should I expect to be treated at the school? I have heard that ERAU is very diverse and accepting. How true is this?
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    Smoking Cessation Improves Prospective Memory Considerably

    People who give up smoking generally experience a significant improvement in memory, apart from enjoying substantial overall health benefits, researchers from Northumbria University, England reported in Drug and Alcohol Dependence. The authors explained that when the majority of smokers quit...
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    Consequential Late Effects After Radiotherapy For Prostate Cancer - A Prospective Lon - External beam radiotherapy (EBRT) is a well-established curative treatment for localized prostate cancer. Acute and late toxicity rates after EBRT can be considerable and have been the subject of many studies. Dose-volume effect relationships have been described extensively. In...
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    What should you tell a prospective future employer about why you left your last job?

    I have held my present job for almost 27 years but I just can't stay there any longer. My boss could win an award for worst boss ever. He provides no guidance or support at all. He only communicates by email. He filled out my review but then gave it to another employee to give to me. My...
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    Should I tell prospective employers of upcoming vacations?

    I'm moving to another state and am going to be interviewing for retail management jobs. My sister and I are going to take one trip to visit family (July 4th) and one to Florida to visit friends. Our friends want to get the plane tickets now for the beginning of August. Should I wait until I'm...
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    A car alarm that will deliver a taser-like shock to a prospective thief?

    I saw a gizmo like this in one of the Transporter movies. Does such a thing really exist? If so, where could I buy one?