
  1. A

    If a pastor prays for someone to die - isn't that the same thing as an act of murder?

    basically a pastor is nothing more than judge, jury and executioner - and they have authority over the people who are in their congregation. I have seen several churches where a person was sick, the pastor prayed for the person to die, then they died. As far as I'm concerned the pastor...
  2. G

    Katy Perry Eats, Prays and Loves on Spiritual Journey

    Katy Perry is a woman of many mysteries: Where does she keep the canisters of whipped cream in those whipped cream-shooting bras? Why is she dating bad boy John Mayer (though we have our...
  3. M

    Suppose someone prays a prayer?

    Could God say no to the prayer and Satan come in and influence the person? Suppose someone prayed for a sign on what to do for an important decision, Can God deny the person his sign, but Satan come in to mislead the person on their decision, like give them a false sign?
  4. V

    Only for Peek prays for all......................?

    Is was not my intention to offend you nor still your answer if you saw on the top of the answer I did specify that I found the answer on the internet from another person. Anyway if I offended you I apologize.... all I wanted to do is help the person because as you can see I was the only one that...