
  1. T

    Improper Rinsing Of Sinuses With Neti Pots Can Be Dangerous, FDA Says

    Neti pots are little teapot-like devices which people use to rinse out their sinuses. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that if they are not used properly, the user runs a risk of developing serious infections, even potentially fatal ones. The FDA says that the neti pots are not the...
  2. M

    Help me quit smoking pots?

    I have been smoking pots everyday for 2 and a half years, Im a singer and im trying to quit, its been on and off for a while but i wonder if i could clean my lungs completely and how long will it takes? and will my voice be recovered like how it was before? whats the best way to recover my body...
  3. K

    best pots and pans set MARTHA STEWART or ONEIDA?

    which is better ONEIDA 10 PIECE NON STICK OR STAINLESS STEEL POTS AND PANS SET OR MARTHA STEWART STAINLESS STEEL ARE ANY OF THE BRANDS BETTER? I need something durable and tough that's a good brand too I found a set for both of these brands at a good price that I can afford ranging from 99-200
  4. K

    If you marry a blind person, and they suddenly ban the sale of coffee pots, how

    many marbles will you have? I'm tired of people asking, "and your question is?"