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    Michael Pollan Says Get Back In The Kitchen

    I'm sure Michael Pollan enjoys his cooking very much, and if you do too, then go right ahead. But please don't assume that my frequent outside-the-home food purchases indicate that I'm some kind of moral nihilist. More » Michael Pollan Says Get Back In The Kitchen is a post from Blisstree -...
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    Michael Pollan: GMO Labeling Brings Food Policy Into Politics

    Michael Pollan's new piece*in the New York Times magazine explains his position in favor of California's Proposition 37, which would require labeling on genetically modified foods (GMOs). *Pollan also participated in a IAmA session on Reddit, where he fielded a metric ton of user questions about...
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    Michael Pollan Says High Fructose Corn Syrup Isn’t Worse Than Sugar

    Michael Pollan's books are practically the bible for socially-, eco-, and nutrition-conscious shoppers; Omnivore's Dilemma practically taught all of America's liberal, upper-middle class how to eat. And it also spawned the now-widely-held belief that high fructose corn syrup is the biggest evil...
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    In Omnivore's Delima by Michael Pollan he mentions something about an

    "industrial eater".? What does he mean by the phrase, "industrial eater"?
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    Food Michael Pollan Would Eat? Better Oats Instant Oatmeal

    Better Oats™ makes instant oatmeal we like, and we bet Michael Pollan would like it, too.Normally, we’d hesitate to recommend something that comes pre-packaged, and whose title includes the word “instant”. Why? One of the easiest and most popular rules of eating well is pretty simple: Don’t eat...
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    Joan Dye Russel, Michael Pollan, and Dan Barber Fundraiser for Just Food

    If you happen to be in New York City this weekend, we highly recommend joining Michael Pollan and Dan Barber at this cool fundraiser for Just Food, an organization that works to improve access to fresh food in New York. The evening is in celebration of Joan Dye Gussow, a ... MorePost from...