
  1. B

    i get "android is updating" optimizing your apps?

    on start up of my nexus 7 i get the above message. I have to wait till all my apps are "optmised" before i can do anything. any fix for this?
  2. T

    Optimizing Radiation Dose In Pediatric CT: Pointers Offered By Experts

    An article in the January issue of the Journal of the American College of Radiology summarizes methods for radiation dose optimization in pediatric computed tomography (CT) scans. Approximately seven to eight million CT examinations are performed for various pediatric clinical indications per...
  3. T

    Optimizing Delivery Of Care For Patients With MRSA Infection: Focus On Transitions Of

    Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most prevalent pathogens in hospitalized patients and is a common cause of infection. It is annually associated with 2.7 million additional days of patient hospitalization, 12,000 additional inpatient deaths, and excess costs of $9.5 billion in the United...
  4. M

    Optimizing Your Savings - from Consumer Reports

    [No message]
  5. W

    Advice for optimizing my workout program for tone and fitness?

    Good evening all, For the last month or so I have been working out, relatively three times a week at about an hour a trip or more. I usually do a couple of machines for everything, and run 1.5 miles. I have been using a whey protein mix, and its been working well for me. The only problem...