
  1. A

    Do opposites really attract in relationships?

    I've been a good guy my whole life(I get straight A's, I don't drink/do drugs, I don't harass others, etc.). I am sort of an artsy, talented, very intelligent, non-athletic(I'm not like out of shape, I have sort of a swimmer's build), nice guy. My type of girl would be the nice, a little shy...
  2. G

    The Opposites Ft. Gers En Sef-Broodje Bakpao-CDS-NL-2009-EHH

    Category: Music-MP3 (Hip-hop) Size: 5.31 MB Files: 8 (2 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Fri January 15th 22:49:17 UTC Download NZB
  3. A

    Do you know any pairs of twins that act like complete opposites?

    I know 2 pairs of twins and for both of them theyre all popular and athletic but then i know a pair of twins and one of them is popular and funny and talks a lot, and has had many girlfriends (yet hes a fatso lol) and then his twin brother isnt popular at all and he's not the dating type, and...
  4. M

    what to do with cousins that are opposites?

    ohkay well i have a bunch of cousins coming up tomorrow. the cousins from my grandma's side are totally crazy and outgoing and kinda immature. my cousins on my grandpas side are pretty laid back. what should i do with them. they are all my age (14) or older. how should i keep us all getting...