
  1. T


    I grew up in a very conservative traditonal denominational church. I was 16 before I felt the true presence of God in a church service. I was so ignorant of who God was, that I didnt know what to expect when His Spirit showed up. At that young age, I realized that there was more to religion than...
  2. C

    Drug offence for a 16yo in California?

    Need advice, a friend just got a call to go pick up his 16yo son at the police station it seems he and 2 friends were caught in a running parked car smoking marijuana. His son who only has his learner's permit was in the drivers seat. The police found an empty baggy with marijuana residue...
  3. A

    Do you take offence at the internet abbreviation OMFG?

    And if you do, please don't be a twit and report this question. I just want to know whether the abbreviation OMFG causes offence or not. Many thanks in advance.
  4. K

    Will my husband take offence if I ask him to wear pullups?

    He has grand mal seizues and on a bad day he can have up to 7. He wets himself when he has one and I'm tired of washing his whole wardrobe everyday (I know, I sound selfish :/) I don't want to embarrass him, he's quite a private person.
  5. N

    For computer geeks [No Offence] : AIM 6.8?

    So i used AIM 6.8 and one day, i accidentally dragged my friend's buddy info into the top right corner, and now i can't drag it back into the center of my screen. I can't see the [ - ] [ o ] [ x ] buttons, so i cant move it. It's really aggravating, and i've tried everything! I've restarted my...
  6. K

    are christian beliefs now a sackable offence? we have a 5 year old reprimanded for talking about god and her mother facing the sack. last week it was a nurse who faced the sack for offering to pray for a patient...