
  1. G

    An Ode To the Unsung Art of Anime Backgrounds

    Backdrops are called backdrops for a reason—they're designed to fade against the focus of a particular scene. But as a new single-serving Tumblr called Anime Backgrounds proves, sometimes the best art is to be found behind the characters. More »
  2. G

    Beyoncé's Ode to Frank Ocean: "Brave," "Fearless" for Revealing He Loved a Man

    Beyoncé's Ode to Frank Ocean: "Brave," "Fearless" for Revealing He Loved a Man Count Beyoncé among the celebs who have come out in support of Frank Ocean. The pop star has posted an ode to the "Novacane" singer on her blog, celebrating his decision to...
  3. S

    Ode to the West Wind?

    What are the west wind's powers & wgat effects does it have on nature (or other elements in nature)?
  4. G

    An Ode to the Mighty Food Processor [Taste Test]

    Your most powerful cooking multitool is probably abandoned underneath your counter. Maybe you dust if off sometimes, maybe you don't. But the next time you prep dinner, take a moment to reconsider the food processor. More »
  5. D

    i need to find an ode to anime?

    i need to find an ode to anime to read in class, but it has to be appropiate for school. Ideas?
  6. G

    Ode to Rocky

    A nostalgic post, reposted. Nostalgically. Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post... More...
  7. M

    Ode to the Outback

    [No message]
  8. I

    Ode to Peter Benoit...needs a different poem title and a revised introduction

    and then some help.? Ode to Peter Benoit...needs a different poem title and a revised introduction. If any one wishes to cut it up and patch it back together, add/subtract, go ahead...I am no poet, I appreciate reading the works of others.I only stumbled into this catagory, I put research and...
  9. M

    Ode to the West Wind (by Percy Byse Shelly): How will the poet blow the trumpet

    of prophecy? pls answer :p