
  1. G

    This Is Objectively the Best Prom Photo Ever [Image Cache]

    Everyone say "PROM!" Prrrrrom... CREACRACKSHRIEKSPLASHOOOF. That's pretty much what happened to a group of Wisconsin students who decided to take their prom pictures on a dock over a lake. It's the best prom picture I've ever seen. More »
  2. T

    Is there some way you can objectively compare the quality of a...

    ...generation's music to each other? I maintain that today's media is saturated with music with meaningless lyrics and repetitive melodies compared to old school music but my friends refuse to yield to this fact. What is your opinion? What do you think of the quality of today's music compared to...
  3. M

    Can you OBJECTIVELY explain to me why Congress is investigating steroids...

    ...and MLB Baseball? The infrastructure is crumbling, we're at war, we're approaching a depression, etc etc and Congress is investigating a "game" that miilionaires run around in tights throwing a ball? I just can't wrap my mind around this. How can they objectively justify the time, energy, and...
  4. M

    Can you OBJECTIVELY explain to me why Congress is investigating steroids...

    ...and MLB Baseball? The infrastructure is crumbling, we're at war, we're approaching a depression, etc etc and Congress is investigating a "game" that miilionaires run around in tights throwing a ball? I just can't wrap my mind around this. How can they objectively justify the time, energy, and...
  5. N

    Christians, do you ever look at your religion objectively and realize that...

    Mr. Agnostic, do you ever look at your anti-Christianity objectively and realize that maybe you're wrong not to believe in the Bible and Jesus Christ?