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    Free World Neuroscience Online Conference To Be Held On June 14-16, 2012

    Target Meeting is a leading online life science conference organizer. They specialize in organizing conferences, symposiums and workshops, which brings together the known researchers, professors and life science suppliers from across the world to debate over the latest developments in biomedical...
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    Military-Funded Neuroscience Has Ethical Implications

    The United States military and intelligence communities have developed a close relationship with the scientific establishment. In particular, they fund and utilize an array of neuroscience applications, generating profound ethical issues. Neuroscience offers possibilities for cutting edge...
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    Newly Established Neuroscience Clinical Trials Center Could Bring Treatments To Patie

    In a development that could pave the way for treatment for rare neurological diseases and clues to more common ones, physician-scientists at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University and Montefiore Medical Center, the University Hospital for Einstein, have secured a grant to...
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    Neuroscience 2011 Explores New Approaches To Treating Pain

    Scientists are discovering promising approaches to treating pain, one of the most common and debilitating neurological complaints, according to research released at Neuroscience 2011, the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience and the world's largest source of emerging news about brain...
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    Deciphering How The Brain Chooses And Decides - The Neuroscience Of Decision Making

    Although still a young field, research in "decision neuroscience" has exploded in the last decade, with scientists beginning to decipher what exactly is happening in our brains when we are making choices, whether big or small. In fact, early findings suggest it is possible to parse out the...
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    Neuroscience, religion, cognitive dissonance, and your opinion?

    Will is merely the drive to reduce dissonance between each of our active neural circuits. Evolution can be see as the same process, where nature tries to adapt or 'resonate' with its environment. By doing so, it evolved to a point, where it became self-aware and began to ponder its own...
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    Preclinical Data At Neuroscience 2010 Show Naurex's Novel Antidepressant GLYX-13 Shar

    Naurex Inc., a company developing innovative treatments to address unmet needs in psychiatry and neurology, reported that data presented at Neuroscience 2010 show that GLYX-13, its clinical-stage candidate for the treatment of depression, shares key mechanistic features associated with the...
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    Some interesting topics in neuroscience?

    I have to write a scientific argument paper for my Writing for Sciences class and I need a couple of ideas on what to write about. So far I came across these topics: - Human cloning and its implications on the future of society, identity and individuality. - Brain Responses differ to faces of...
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    Interesting science or neuroscience topics?

    I have to write a scientific argument paper for my Writing for Sciences class and I need a couple of ideas on what to write about. So far I came across these topics: - Human cloning and its implications on the future of society, identity and individuality. - Brain Responses differ to faces of...
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    Interesting science or neuroscience topics?

    I have to write a scientific argument paper for my Writing for Sciences class and I need a couple of ideas on what to write about. So far I came across these topics: - Human cloning and its implications on the future of society, identity and individuality. - Brain Responses differ to faces of...
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    NIH Grant To Increase Diversity In Field Of Neuroscience

    The National Institutes of Health (NIH) awarded nearly $2.4 million to University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus researcher Diego Restrepo and Elba Serrano of New Mexico State University Las Cruces to help them prepare minority students and those with disabilities for careers in...
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    Scott & White Healthcare Receives Designation As Neuroscience Center Of Excellence

    Scott & White Healthcare Receives Designation As Neuroscience Center Of Excellence Scott & White Hospital's Neuroscience Institute in Temple is among the nation's top neuroscience programs and has been designated as a Neuroscience Center of Excellence (COE), according to a 2006-2009...
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    I mean you thought she would have a single brain cell after doing a neuroscience degree, but after seeing her pathetic questions, e.g:;_ylt=Avo1dWL56exLpQmcspeoSdLnDH1G;_ylv=3?qid=20100903153935AA7N5xn you would think she doesn't even have half a brain...
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    Moses V. Chao, PhD, Named President-Elect Of The Society For Neuroscience

    Moses Chao, PhD, professor of cell biology, physiology and neuroscience, and psychiatry at NYU School of Medicine, and a member of the Molecular Neurobiology Program at the Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine, was named president-elect of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), one of the...
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    ERA-Net NEURON Announces Winners Of The First Excellent Paper In Neuroscience Award

    ERA-Net NEURON, an initiative of the European Commission aimed at advancing transnational European research in the field of disease-related neuroscience, announced the winners of the Excellent Paper in Neuroscience award for young scientists for the year 2009. The two winners, awarded each a...
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    Stigma Of Mental Illness To Be Addressed By Actress Glenn Close At Neuroscience 2010

    Neuroscience 2010, the 40th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), will showcase distinguished speakers and new research findings on the brain, nervous system, and related disorders Nov. 13-17 in San Diego. The Society's annual meeting is the world's largest source of emerging...
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    Neuroscience Research To Benefit From Trans-Atlantic Agreement

    Neurological research and clinical care has received a significant boost as Imperial College London and McGill University of Montreal entered an agreement enabling them to work more closely together in this field. Sir Keith O'Nions, Rector of Imperial, and Heather Munroe-Bloom, Principal and...
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    A Flying Boost For Neuroscience

    Understanding the causes of autism and schizophrenia could be a step closer for researchers from the Queensland Brain Institute at The University of Queensland after they unravelled the secret world of the wasp genome. The neuroscientists were part of an international consortium that has...