
  1. A

    Are there any games like the dark nebula app for iphone?

    I really liked the Dark Nebula 1 & 2 for iPhone where you move the disc around through obstacles and killing enemies. Are ideas of Apps that are like that game?
  2. G

    It Sure Looks Beautiful Inside the Ring Nebula

    The Ring Nebula is a common image in astronomy, but new images from Hubble reveal something rather strange inside the cloud of swirling gas. Read more...
  3. G

    Blocks of Life Bubbling in the Orion Nebula [Science]

    It's confirmed: Space is bubbling with the potential for life. The Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared—on board the Herschel Space Observatory—has sent a high resolution analysis of the Orion Nebula's chemistry. It has scientists very excited. It is astonishing to see how well HIFI...
  4. G

    A Slightly Better View of the Orion Nebula [Image Cache]

    No doubt, you've seen Orion when stargazing. A spot on his belt that's sometimes mistaken for a star is really the Orion Nebula. Here's an ever-so-better better view, thanks to the 67-megapixel, infrared-sensitive VISTA telescope. [Full 341MB Version via Wired]
  5. Y

    Is the astronomical study of the Yam Nebula a religion?

    Nobody has actually touched the Yam Nebula, you must have faith to believe. Get back in the stew pot, rabbit!