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    Libya: NATO Psy-Op Collapses – Qaddafi Prevails Again?

    Before USA and the USA and the West start to Divvy up the Assets they Seized from Qaddafi's bank accounts they should first find out who is in Charge inside Libya eh! Once again a defiant Qaddafi has prevailed against the full might of NATO aggression including a murderous bombing campaign...
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    Fellow Americans: has Pakistan duped America, NATO and India with the...

    ...Afghanistan war (plz read details)? Now, this may come as hard news for us, but Pakistan has tricked the international community in every way. They have used our money to support the Afghan Taliban that is hurting us. If we didn't help Pakistan, the US army would have much more casualties so...
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    Fellow Americans: has Pakistan duped America, NATO and India with the

    Afghanistan war (plz read details)? Now, this may come as hard news for us, but Pakistan has tricked the international community in every way. They have used our money to support the Afghan Taliban that is hurting us. If we didn't help Pakistan, the US army would have much more casualties so we...
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    Fellow Americans: has Pakistan duped America, NATO and India with the

    Afghanistan war (plz read details)? Now, this may come as hard news for us, but Pakistan has tricked the international community in every way. They have used our money to support the Afghan Taliban that is hurting us. If we didn't help Pakistan, the US army would have much more casualties so we...
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    With ex soviet satellite closing NATO base, will boots arrive on Pakastani soil?

    One remaining supply line runs through the restive regions of Pakistan. If a surge is to occur in Afghanistan, will NWF Pakistan have to be occupied?