
  1. D

    White racist morons, you can't build a white nation when you put down other... from mingling with non-whites? You can't fucking hog the ladies of other races, you fucking hog, and then complain why you can't get a white nation. Also you shouldn't act abusive to the women of other races or ethnicities.
  2. A

    What are these morons joking about ?Bush or the nation security or our... can explain? is it disgusting?
  3. M

    Does it make you laugh when you hear morons say the Middle East should be

    turned into a "glass parking lot"? Yes, rendering most of the world's oil reserves unreachable for a few decades is a really good idea isn't it? Killing a few million civilians? Not mention that it would be fairly unpleasant for US allies like Israel & Egypt. Where do these cretins come from...
  4. K

    What is up with the morons at iTunes?

    no offense or anything, but i have requested these two songs over and over again for a couple of years, but they still have not added the songs. I am talking about the original German (not English, duh) versions of Sandmann and Labyrinth by the amazing band Oomph! They are really good, and a lot...
  5. T

    Why are most anime fans now days morons?

    Seriously, I never associate with most anime fans because most I've come across are idiots (IRL and online); instead of appreciating a anime for its story most of the time you get "OMFG HE IS SO KAWAII!!! HE IZ MA BFFF". And also almost every anime fan of this generation I've come across...
  6. H

    Why do magazines employ utter morons to dish out agony "aunt" advice?

    'Zoo magazine has apologised for an agony uncle column under actor Danny Dyer's byline that advised a reader to cut his ex-girlfriend's face. Alex, 23, from Manchester, wrote to the publication aimed at young men saying he was unable to get over a break-up. Dyer's column's advice was to go on...
  7. M

    Are conservatives who rant against immigration just morons?

    Where did your ancestors come from? Were they American Indians? Don't say they complied with immigration laws, cuz killing Indians and stealing North America is not compliance with immigration laws.