
  1. G

    These Warped Chairs Are Actually a Mind Melting Optical Illusion

    These warped chairs, designed by French studio Ibride, have so many hidden features it's making my brain wrinkle at a rate it's never scrunched up before. The optical illusion is to show the chair with a classic silhouette from one angle, while the actual sitting of the chair requires a...
  2. M

    what about the trend of melting and boiling points of the transition metals

    down the group in the p-table? i want to know about the melting and boiling points of transition elements while moving down the group in the periodic table as either it increases or decreases while moving down in the same group in the periodic table and also with the proper reason of such trend?
  3. M

    what about the trend of melting and boiling points of the transition metals

    down the group in the p-table? i want to know about the melting and boiling points of transition elements while moving down the group in the periodic table as either it increases or decreases while moving down in the same group in the periodic table and also with the proper reason of such trend?
  4. G

    Melting Ice and Sea Level Rise

    If all the water currently trapped in all the glaciers across the entire world melted, the sea level would rise far more than most people imagine. Almost everyone living anywhere in the world at an elevation of below about 500 feet with a direct drainage to the sea would be directly affected...
  5. T

    'Melting Curve Analysis' Provides New Tool For Assessing Malignant Hyperthermia Risk

    A new DNA test may make it much simpler to identify patients at risk of malignant hyperthermia (MH) a rare but life-threatening complication of exposure to common anesthetics reports the November issue of Anesthesia & Analgesia, official journal of the International Anesthesia Research Society...
  6. G

    Gobal Warming is Melting the Ice Caps

    My first job as an archaeologist in Boston (having moved there from New York) had to do with Deer Island, the northern of two islands that separate Boston's Inner and Outer Harbors. The actual archaeology was uninteresting but the historical research was fascinating. Among the things I learned...
  7. S

    Melting Pot Tour/others?

    You know how there are tours in NYC that take you to restaurants and delis and bakery's and such and the tour guide buys you and your family food and all? WELL, I need to know if there are any of those tours in Paris or Lyon, France!! If anybody knows of any, please give a description and...
  8. P

    Ways to cause melting (volcanic activity) on a planet or sattelite?

    There are 4 main ways to cause melting (volcanic activity) on a planet or sattelite. Increasing temperature is one way, what are the other three ways? The only other one I can think of is tidal energy.... I do pay attention in class actually. Thanks But aren't those all just ways of increasing...
  9. G

    A $670,000 X-Ray Camera That Sees Through Melting Metal [Video]

    A new high-speed X-ray video camera, now the fastest in the world, can see through molten metal and watch weld-weakening flaws form in real-time. Take a look at sample footage from the device. More »
  10. G

    The melting of the Arctic ice cap is a complex process

    You've heard that the Arctic ice cap has shrunk, and that there are sea lanes open in the northern summer that had not been open previously, and on and so forth. Since the start of the satellite record in 1979, scientists have observed the continued disappearance of older "multiyear" sea ice...
  11. G

    Stormier Arctic Seas Affects Sea Ice (which was melting anyway, but still...)

    Interesting to look back at this now that the Arctic Ice Cap is opening up and disappearing: A new NASA study shows that the rising frequency and intensity of arctic storms over the last half century, attributed to progressively warmer waters, directly provoked acceleration of the rate of...
  12. G

    What was that splash? Oh. Greenland melting.

    See the missing bit? That is a 1.5 kilometer retreat of the so-called "calving front" of the glacier. In truth, this particular sort of even is not that unusual, but what is interesting is that new satellite monitoring capabilities allow researchers to notice these events more or less when...
  13. T

    white chocolate apple cobbler fondue recipe? Melting pot?

    I went to melting pot in Feb, and they had a white chocolate apple cobbler and it was amazing! I really want the recipe but I can't seem to find it. Any suggestions or ideas how to make it or where to find the recipe?
  14. W

    Explain the following trend in melting temperatures for the halogens.?

    F2(-220°C), Cl2(-101°C), Br2(-7°C), I2(114°C). Why does the melting point become higher and higher? Has the fact that the electronegativity decreases any thing to do with it? thanks
  15. M

    why does my nokia 6280 keep melting?

    every now and then my nokia 6280 randomly gets really how and starts to melt the case around where the camera is. i have searched this on the internet with the only posible solution been a third party battery, but this is not the case as i still use the origanal batery. any posible reasons why...
  16. H

    Trend in melting points. explain in terms of attractive force and/or bonds.?

    Trend in melting points. explain in terms of attractive force and/or bonds.? Trend in melting points. explain in terms of attractive force and/or bonds.? Substance [ Melting Point (C)] H2 [-129] C3H8 [-190] HF [-92] CsI [621] LiF [870] SiC [>2,000] (a) Discuss how the trend in the melting point...
  17. H

    have u ever been to the melting pot b4?

    do u like? and how expensive is it?
  18. P

    melting candy and putting them in candy molds?

    i made valentine's day candy with candy molds i melted the candy with a double boiler every thing was good put it all in the mold let it set but there was a white film on them not shiny did i melt the chocalate to high?what happend ??
  19. Z

    will melting glaciers cool down the seas and halt( stop) global warming?

    i need it for my human physiology lesson..please help me out.