
  1. E

    were holly and mel from biggest loser only in it for the money?

    i was watching biggest loser Australia season 4 and holly and mel left after winning money but they did not leave from there own free will they were booted off witch i think means that they are or were still up for the at home prize of money witch is not fare.
  2. G

    $850 Million Man Mel Gibson Now Worth Half That After Divorce Is Finalized

    Talk about some holiday cheer! We now know what Mel Gibson's ex-wife Robyn is getting for Christmas: half of Mel's net worth of $850 million. That's the estimated take in a...
  3. D

    What Mel Gibson movie do you have in your personal DVD collection?

    I have "Payback". What about you?
  4. A

    Mel Gibson's rant recordings......?

    Does anybody know where I might be able to download ALL of Mel Gibson's rant recordings (in full, and uncensored) in MP3 form?
  5. A

    Mel Gibson's rant recordings......?

    Does anybody know where I might be able to download ALL of Mel Gibson's rant recordings (in full, and uncensored) in MP3 form?
  6. M

    Cali, aren't you Paladin,Mel,Kizey,Lucero and Sci-Fi all the same person?

    one thing for sure U are all Yahoo team members. What is the point when U all have the delete tool to get rid of the evidence shiit u all post.
  7. R

    What is your favorite line from any Mel Gibson rant?

    Mine: "I deserve to be blown"
  8. W

    Is MEL GIBSON'S recent racist rants more proof that the Caucasian Male Insecurity...

    ...still exists? I am Caucasian. But my parents taught me better than that. As long as there are those out there who are against what is right. They will be exposed in the light. The Bible speaks of this as well. These are those days........... And you who say you are of truth and tell...
  9. V

    Has anyone else listened to the unedited full version of the Mel Gibson rants?

    If so, doesn't he sound like his Lethal Weapon character Martin Riggs on some bad acid? Has Danny Glover made any comments on his statements?
  10. B

    Did Mel Gibson show considerable restraint in his latest rant?

    Consider this, he never called his girlfriend a dirty J or say that a certain group of H's were going to rape her. We all know how much he hates that particular ethnic group. So that when I heard the latest tirade by M.G., in spite of his madness, he showed a certain amount of respect(in his own...
  11. F

    Is it right for the media to play Mel Gibson's private conversations/rants?

    I wonder how the average person would feel if they were being recorded in their own home then have it played over the radio, tv, internet, etc.
  12. H

    What caused Mel Gibson to break up with his wife (?)?

    And what why is he insulting her so much? Did she cheat on him or something?
  13. J

    Where can I hear mel gibson's racist rant?

    The one he did recently about black people. I'm curious, I just want to hear it. Supposedly it was leaked, but I can't find it. Can someone post a link? FYI, I don't condone or advocate what he did, I just want to listen to the tape. thanks superficial darling, but I was hoping for a link to...
  14. M

    What suits the name Mel?

    I've asked this already, but deleted the question. Please don't tell me stupid things like "giving a nickname to yourself is dumb". My name is Melissa Christine and I hate it, I live in Puerto Rico and not everyone knows how to pronnounce my name (it really pisses me off). Only a few people call...
  15. D

    Favorite Will Smith & Mel Gibson movie?

    Mine is Men in Black and Payback. What's yours?
  16. I

    Help me pls! How to open / convert a music file with .mel extension to Mp3/ipod?

    The music file what I got is a song but not an Ericson mobile phone ring tone, pls advise how to open the file or convert the file into other media format such as Mp3 or ipod?
  17. M


    One of my friends in college hooked me up with one of her girlfriends. She sent me a pick; what do you think? Im 20 yrs old, she's 27 ( at least that is what she tells me). She's a pilot and travels/works when she isn't in school. She wants to be a lawyer. Should I cancel by saying I got the...
  18. S

    CW The Game: DOes anyone else think Mel is wasting her time with Derwin?

    From what we have seen, why should they be in a relationship. He has not sacrificed anyting for her, nor has he considered her feelings above anyone elses. However, fineazz Jerome (aka Incredible Hulk) AlWAYS put her first... And Trey WIggs...i love love love him...but think he is TOO good...
  19. I

    If the Zionist had Mel Gibson ostracized for "The Passion" would they do a hit

    If the Zionist had Mel Gibson ostracized for "The Passion" would they do a hit on any celeb to stop them? like giving them cancer or any other type of life threatening diseases in order to stop them from making movies about how bad Jews are?