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    Pujols amused as McGwire snaps Cardinals farewell* pic with iPad

    </p> *Possible farewell, that is. Albert Pujols, for those so overjoyed by the St. Louis Cardinals winning the World Series that they have forgotten, will be a free agent this offseason. However, as of Sunday afternoon when Team Fredbird celebrated its 11th championship with a parade through...
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    POLL: Are you old enough to remember when Mark McGwire broke Roger Maris's home... record? I think I was in... middle school, maybe? ... when it happened. I remember the announcer going, "Line drive to center field... IS IT ENOUGH? YES!!!!" It was momentous :) Sadly I can't remember if the record was at 61 or 62 home runs lol
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    What were you doing 12yrs ago when McGwire broke Roger Maris 61 homeruns record?

    I was sitting in my room watching the game & 12 yrs later i am doing the same watching another game..The more things change the more they stay the same.. What about you?
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    TRIVIA: What does Barry Bonds, Jose Canseco, Mark McGwire, and Alex...

    ...Rodriguez all have in common? There are multiple answers to this question but only one correct one I will accept and give Best Answer to. Can you figure it out? Good luck! =)
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    Mark McGwire makes debut at Cardinals Spring Training

    Mark McGwire faced the media on the first official day of St. Louis Cardinals Spring Training in Jupiter, FL on Tuesday. From the*video below it looks as though McGwire will enjoy being around other ball players again, but not in front of the camera.“Mark’s apologized more than anybody in...