
  1. A

    How much of 0bama's Power Lust,is a result of having both parents essentially

    abandon him? Of course his Father flat out abandoned him,yet in his book he still seems to worship the man.And mom just dumped him off on Grandma so she could go write about peasant blacksmithing in Indonesia or some ridiculous,useless shit. That has to mess a kid up,to know beyond a doubt that...
  2. R

    Why do some Christians assume that gays are ruled by lust?

    This may be sharing more about myself than you care to know, but I personally haven't had sex in like a month at least. My best friend (male) and I (male) cuddle a lot and watch movies together...which is homosexual behavior, but it isn't lust by any means. Also, men are men are no...
  3. A

    Does anyone agree that there is no lust (sex) in true love?

    Lust treats individuals as objects due to their looks. Their personality, in that moment, barely matters. True love gives humans personality and liveliness and is based on protection and kindness. I don't think sex and true love can ever exist as one and those of you who are pissed off by this...
  4. T

    Do you have love or lust?

    n this world does man know the difference Do they understand, use some common sense Is it love or lust that drives the human machine Its hard, but you gotta read what’s in between Consumes you, your thoughts, your interests Getting no rest, all you focus on is her breast So obsessed, you get...
  5. 9

    Anime with sex, lust, comedy, and drama?

    anyone got any suggestions
  6. D

    still interested after lust?

    will a guy still be interested after lusting? i've known this guy for a year, i really liked him at first, wanted to get to know him better but slowly turned to lust i lust him, he knows that but im not quite sure if he lusts me too but i get this feeling he does we had oral sex because i want...
  7. N

    Where can i find LIFE LOVE LUST torrent file, a sensual erotic movie by...

    ...Erika Lust? I'm Dying to know :(? I would buy it instantly except i can't buy it online in my country due to my families financial issues...please help me!
  8. C

    How Do I Cast Out The Evil Spirit, Lust in My Life?-Christians, please?

    Hi, everyone. Umm, let me just start with telling you guys that I was saved three weeks ago. Ever since then, my life has been truly different. I was saved from four demons that inhabited my body (the Spirit of lust, suicide, Satan himself, and death) and I was able to sense very evil spirits...
  9. P

    Regardless of religion would you say lust and greed are two sins that

    affect the world the most these days? Then again some say that lust and greed aren't bad at all and instead should be celebrated lol but let's pretend they are negative.
  10. I

    Need an Introduction on my Romeo and Juliet essay?? Lust or Love?

    Essay topic: Romeo and Juliet were in lust not in love. i think they were in love. i cant think of an interesting introduction. please help me.
  11. P

    Does anyone know any good teen romance stories with a theme of true love vs lust?

    It doesn't really have to be teen romance but I just prefer it ^-^
  12. M

    Lust Caution (2007)

    Name: Lust Caution (2007) Category: Movies: DVD Size: 5057.48MB Added: 2009-11-16 17:27:37
  13. M

    Lust for Gold (1949)

    Name: Lust for Gold (1949) Category: Movies: DVD Size: 4293.89MB Added: 2009-10-22 15:21:56
  14. V

    Manhart Racing Stokes Our Lust For Wagons With its BMW M3 V-10 Touring

    Ever fantasize about a BMW M3 wagon? We sure have. Really, we have. Manhart Racing has made our dream come true, and then some, with its BMW M3 V-10 Touring. The ingredients include a 3-Series Touring (Sports Wagon here in the States) body, an M3 sedan hood, the engine and gearbox from an M5...
  15. M

    Do girls lust over random guys on the internet?

    I was always been wondering,( I know we cant generalize but i would like to see some answers from girls.) Do girls lust over random guys on the internet, this can be model or just some john doe. For example, a guy finds a picture of a attractive girl (doesn't even have to be suggestive...
  16. B

    Sexuality Versus Lust. Where do you draw the line?

    Name one person who's sexuality is not tainted by lust! Obviously we can't do whatever we want because of moral reasons but where should we draw the lines as Christians or non Christians. Is it OK to look at Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issues but not OK to look at naked women? Is it OK to...