
  1. O

    How can I install apps to my blackberry playbook while I'm here on Libya?

    When im trying to open application world in my blackberry, it tells me that its currently unavailable on my country here in libya(north africa)
  2. N

    Has Muammar Gaddhafi's prophecy come true? Is Libya degenerating into a tribal...

    ...civil war like Afghanistan did? Saif al-Islam al-Gaddhafi once said that Libya would fall apart without Gaddhafi. That there were so many tribes and regional interests, that they would just start killing each other. Now it's beginning. Maybe Libya needed Gaddhafi to survive after all...
  3. S

    Ron Paul Interview On Fox News Sunday: Talks Fema, Libya, Mises &...

    I gotta tell my friend. He don't wanna miss that one.
  4. S

    Libya: NATO Psy-Op Collapses – Qaddafi Prevails Again?

    Before USA and the USA and the West start to Divvy up the Assets they Seized from Qaddafi's bank accounts they should first find out who is in Charge inside Libya eh! Once again a defiant Qaddafi has prevailed against the full might of NATO aggression including a murderous bombing campaign...
  5. S

    Are you pleased with the courageous power of dc in LIBYA and such a historic...

    ...moment in homeland America? Such a historic moment indeed,,,,,Baron NPNAC
  6. B

    will the fights in Libya affect the NSW election this weekend?

    like with no petrol from Libya how are they going to drive and deliver the ballot papers? please comment?
  7. B

    Why are liberal dems talking about impeaching Obummer over the Libya attacks?

    When libs such as Dennis Kucinich and people like Michael Moore and Rev. Farakhan and other liberals start talking about impeaching Obummer you know then he is in serious trouble don't you?
  8. A

    Are the Chickenhawks ginning up a warlike fever pitch to go into Libya?

    Do these people ever learn? No. The moment we move in all the middle east will acuse us of being a bully. Which we are. Then Obama will have to apologize all over again for the Chickenhawk Mess!
  9. E

    Egypt: Libya War Crazy Ideas Versus Creativity?

    Finally, The world found that a commercial ship could be the base for canon to fire Civilian towns? Do you Consider what happened today in Libya ( Crazy Ideas or Creativity) and what could be similar ideas:- * Bombs to be thrown from a commercial plane windows. * A pilot to use Parachute before...
  10. B

    Who else thinks that any US intervention in Libya should be limited to a single

    aircraft carrier dispatching? F-18s and E-2s?
  11. S

    Follow up: You believe the US military should go into Libya, True or False?

    And can you add your political label, please? I was stunned with the answers to my last question.
  12. N

    How do you think the current unrest in places like Libya, Bahrain and Yemen will...

    ...pan out.? Do you think religion will gain a tighter grip on the region or do you think people power will mean more moderate views? Personally I hope that people power will mean that there will be more understanding between us and that people preaching hate (on both sides) will become more...
  13. K

    Why doesn't Britain step up and do something about Libya since they trade with them?

    Once again Britain and Italy are waiting for Big Brother the US to intervene for them. Here they are the biggest traders with Libya and they are silent. Don't they have any opinions as to what to do there. Qaddafi is killing people and these countries are standing back not saying anything...
  14. W

    Is USA going to invade Libya under a new Republican president so I don't

    have to pay $150 to fill up my SUV? I got me a massive SUV that gits only bout 8 mpg and I caint afford to drive to NASCAR races all over the country at $10/gal.
  15. R

    a question about LIbya today?

    i would like to ask about what is happening in Libya at the present? Is it safe there? what are the dangers that happen and disadvantages of staying there? Is it safe to live there? im asking on behalf of my family. my brother might go there for work for 2years. thanks a lot.
  16. G

    What is the background of the situation in Libya and are there any

    predictions on what will come of it? please give a detailed explanation and provide links if any