
  1. D

    Legalize weed or illegalize alcohol and tobacco? ?

    What would be better. Arguments for weed: is that it has allot more positive benefactors, for example, it has been proved as a vaccine for cancer (when smoked in small amounts e.g. one a week), could be used as a substitute for paper (save the trees), has been scientificly proven to have...
  2. D

    Legalize weed or illegalize alcohol and tobacco? ?

    What would be better. Arguments for weed: is that it has allot more positive benefactors, for example, it has been proved as a vaccine for cancer (when smoked in small amounts e.g. one a week), could be used as a substitute for paper (save the trees), has been scientificly proven to have...
  3. G

    Should Ireland legalize Prostitution and Weed to bring in tourism?

    I would be pretty cool to have an Amsterdam equivalent, maybe Cork city which is pretty much like Amsterdam with it's 100s of brothels and Weed easily bought on the streets and pubs. I know a lot of Stag parties come to Cork City for that reason.
  4. L

    I want to argue it is socially responsible to legalize marijuana, what ethical

    theories can i use? Thanks! I have never smoked Marijuana Its for a research paper for an ethics class
  5. M

    Why do some Illiberals want to legalize marijuana- while banning tobacco-smoking?

    Ok, there are four possible combinations of opinions, and I understand (if don't share) the reasoning behind three of them: 1. Ban both kinds of smoking -- it is bad for one's health and the government knows better, what's good for you. 2. Legalize both -- a free man ought to be able to injure...
  6. W

    Were can I legalize a truck in manzanillo Colima mx?

    Have a 93 ford ranger need to legalize
  7. M

    What documents do I need to legalize a car/truck?

    I need the answer ASAP. :-)
  8. J

    Why is the solution for all crimes of excess ; to legalize it and hope...

    ...people do it less when lits legal ? In recent times I have heard this logic used so much. Many men go to prostitutes, its a billion dollar illegal industry, we should legalize it and tax it. Many people smoke marijuana (I know some personally) .. it should therefore be legalized and taxed...
  9. T

    New Jersey To Legalize Medical Marijuana

    The New York Times: "The New Jersey Legislature approved a measure on Monday that would make the state the 14th in the nation, but one of the few on the East Coast, to legalize the use of marijuana to help patients with chronic illnesses... More...
  10. T

    New Jersey To Legalize Medical Marijuana

    The New York Times: "The New Jersey Legislature approved a measure on Monday that would make the state the 14th in the nation, but one of the few on the East Coast, to legalize the use of marijuana to help patients with chronic illnesses... More...
  11. A

    How much would it cost to import and legalize a Fiat Panda or Fiat 500?

    First of all, are the Fiat Panda or 500 Road Legal in the US? Secondly, if not, how expensive would it be? Lastly, how much would it cost to import it?
  12. H

    what countries does legalize cell-phone jammer ?

    I'd like to know in detalis all countries around the world that allow using of cell-phone jammers
  13. T

    Will The Government Legalize Marijuana In The Next 5 Years Or Earlier.?

    I wanted to know will they legalize marijuana in the next few years, A couple of states have already tolerated weed. I just wanna smoke and not get busted by the cops. It's better things to do in this country besides worrying about weed it's to much to keep a tab on they might @ well tax it.
  14. C

    How much does it cost to legalize a 1997,1998, or 1999 GMC SUV in Mexico?

    If anyone knows thanks