
  1. M

    Buying a leftover TV

    With TV prices falling this time of year, you may be tempted to purchase a leftover 2013 set if you can get it at a significant discount. This can make a lot of sense—unless you're considering an Ultra HD (UHD) TV, which may not contain several new key features that will be included on 2014...
  2. A

    Wine Cork Crafts: Cool Ways To Use The Scary Number Of Leftover Corks From Holiday Pa

    Another day, another holiday...a boatload of wine corks left over from your fete. Wine cork crafts may not sound like the coolest way to spend your holiday break, but don't be deterred: There are some impressively cool ways to use wine corks instead of throwing them out. Plus, it's a super green...
  3. A

    10 Healthy Recipes For All Of Your Leftover Turkey

    Yes, you could just reheat the turkey, the gravy and all the sides and sit down to a second feast. You could make a hearty turkey sandwich with a slice of cranberry thrown in. But both of those options can leave you bored and sick of turkey after the second day--even though you still have a...
  4. M

    Oh, dear, so I heated up some leftover casserole last night- and there was...

    ...still some left in dish, so just .? Oh, I know it was fine last night-but there was still some left in dish, after an hour or so, I thought -Oh, I'll just put it in the fridge and give the rest to dog tomorrow ( today). Anyway, so my daughter came here when i wasn't home today, and decided to...
  5. P

    leftover roast sweet potatoes, carrots and parsnips soup recipe?

    I've got left-over oven-roast sweet potatoes, carrots and parsnips that I want to make into a soup. Any recipe suggestions?
  6. J

    How do you dispose of leftover worms after a fishing trip?

    Is it worth trying to keep them alive for the next fishing trip?
  7. P

    who is it that talks politics in some leftover crack songs?

    ive tried looking it up but i just cant find anything on it does any body know who the guy is who talks politics in leftover crack songs
  8. B

    Is this a good idea to feed leftover food wastes to pets?

    I heard a SPCA in my town finding difficult to get donations from well wishers. So the stray dogs cats are under fed. I am planning to collect leftover food wastes i.e fish bones, fish heads, chicken legs, chicken bones from a few restaurents nearby and supply to this SPCA on daily basis. Is...
  9. R

    I have a boat load of leftover cream cheese frosting. Can I freeze it?

    Or will it change the consistency after it is thawed?