
  1. D

    Smoked weed, felt high and lasted over 12 hours symptoms?

    I was smoking some "good shit" so called through a friends bong a few nights ago, around midnight. had bout 5-6 good hits throughout an hour and felt extremely messed up just around 1 am, went home and laying on bed completely paralysed unable to even move my head/neck! laying there for about an...
  2. S

    Riddle: A man's boyhood lasted for 1/6 of his life...?

    A man's boyhood lasted for 1/6 of his life, he then played soccer for 1/12 of his life and he married after 1/8 more of his life. A daughter was born 9 years after his marriage and her birth coincided with the halfway point of his life. How old was he when he died?
  3. A

    how long has justins biebers longest relationship lasted lol?

    he seems to know so much about love.
  4. J

    What's the longest peace has ever lasted?

    Particularly in the US.
  5. R

    How long have your nintendo DS Games lasted for? And How Long are they

    meant to last for? I was just curious as to peoples answers to this as I just had a game give out after a bit over two years! Has anybody else had this happen? P.S. The game was pokemon Diamond!
  6. T

    My 2005 Toyota Prius battery lasted 58,000 miles before it died. When did your...

    ...Prius battery die? Toyota is replacing the battery at no cost but they won't install it for 5-7 days. I should have bought a frekin Hyundai regular gasoline model.
  7. T

    My 2005 Toyota Prius battery lasted 58,000 miles before it died. When did your...

    ...Prius battery die? Toyota is replacing the battery at no cost but they won't install it for 5-7 days. I should have bought a frekin Hyundai regular gasoline model.
  8. L

    i had a regular period on mar 8 that lasted 3 days then i came on again mar 20 that

    is real heavy painful? could it be a miscarriage because i didnt come on at all in february but came on in january then again in march
  9. S

    temporary insanity that lasted 5 days?

    this might be long. im 15 and forthe last few months ive felt a little pain in my neck every now and then that lasts for like 5 seconds. nothing big. i went to a doctor last wednesday about it and she made me get a blood test and the results arent in yet. ive been sick with like a cold since...
  10. B

    my rca mp3 player only lasted 8 months. what is a good product that will last longer?

    i expect years of service for my purchase. what do i have to buy to make this happen? who makes the best products?
  11. M

    i got my first period on january 23rd 09 it lasted 3 days?

    im suppost to get it soon???? Was it just pre cycle?? HELP