
  1. J

    Will republicans drop the "landslide" element on their next prophecy?

    Tax, yeah winners predict landslide victories after alienating half the electorate in an increasingly diverse nation? So that's a stranglehold on reality as you know it?
  2. T

    Landslide Fatalities Are Greater Than Previously Thought

    Landslides kill ten times more people across the world than was previously thought, according to research by Durham University, UK. A new database of hazards shows that 32,300 people died in landslides between 2004 and 2010. Previous estimates ranged from 3,000 to 7,000 fatalities. The database...
  3. O

    Does the Conservative landslide victory in Spain over a pro-Obama Socialist...

    ...government serve as a premonition? The socialists campaigned on a platform of ‘taxing the rich.’ Meanwhile, the conservatives campaigned on a program to slash taxes, especially on businesses. Consequently, the conservatives won in an historic landslide...