
  1. D

    What would happen if a Tardis landed on Gallifrey?

    If the chameleon circuit makes it disguise itself, if it landed on Gallifrey, would it look like whatever the Tardis is supposed to look like?
  2. A

    Weight Lifting Landed A Scalpel In My Spine, But I’d Do It All Over Again

    “Our little bodybuilder is waking up,” I heard the nurse say through my haze of anesthesia and morphine. I struggled to sit up and a nauseating wave of pain slung me back onto the hospital bed. “I’m not a bodybuilder,” I muttered. “I’m a powerlifter.” More »Post from: Blisstree
  3. J

    chrisitans what would you do if your car spun out of control then landed in a...

    ...lake of tar? and this tar for some reason was also flammable then a Satellite came crashing down into the tar lake then the tar caught on fire then the burning tar created marijuana smoke and you got so high you didn't know what to do. see why hypotheticals are stupid. now stop asking what...
  4. I

    how do i strengthen my ankel? im 16 stone and in december 2007 i landed...

    ...hard on the side of my foot from a? hight of abowt 18 inches and seveerly damiged the ligaments.i then spent 15 weeks on cruches, now neerly a year arfter leeving the cruches behind,im still limping most of the time, 2 or 3 times a week my ankel gives way,and i end up on the floor in agony...
  5. G

    Have any spacecraft passed or even landed on Venus? If so, what are they called?

    I heard there was a rover on Venus but wasn't to sure. Have any spacecraft passed by Venus? And have any rovers been on its surface? Thanks.
  6. T

    Help Ive just Crash Landed in Kinning Park ?

    Is there a home for Orcs nearby ?
  7. S

    How deep is the Hudson, where the stricken plane "landed"?

    Is it possible that there was something about the "shallowness" of water depth which made more possible that amazing water landing of a passenger jetliner? Could there have been some sort of dynamics involved with shallow water that would not be present in deeper water.