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    Komen For The Cure Partners With Marvel, But Should We Forgive Them Yet?

    Komen for the Cure has a new partnership with Marvel comics. But it might take more than the Avengers to fix the charity's reputation. More »Post from: Blisstree
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    Fewer Women Racing For The Cure This Year: Bad For Komen, Good For Women?

    On Sunday, the Susan G. Komen Foundation will hold its annual Mother's Day Race for the Cure, one of the organization's biggest fundraising events. But this year, race registrations around the country have dropped significantly, a situation most are attributing to*Komen's February decision to...
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    Former Komen VP Karen Handel Calls Planned Parenthood ‘Gigantic Bully’—Basically Bein

    Former Susan G. Komen Foundation Vice President Karen Handel might be out of the organization, but she's not out of the Planned Parenthood debate. Many believe that the group's original decision to cut Planned Parenthood funding was spurred by her personal politics—as an outspoken pro-life...
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    Karen Handel Resigns From The Komen Foundation, But Swears It’s ‘Not Political’

    Following much speculation that*Karen Handel, the Susan G. Komen Foundation Vice President of Public Policy,*was behind the decision to halt funding for the*women's health provider, she has resigned. Karen had*previously run for Governor of Georgia*on a staunchly pro-life, anti-Planned...
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    Komen Backtracks On Planned Parenthood Funding–At Least We All Discussed Women’s Heal

    This morning, the Susan G. Komen Foundation did an abrupt about-face, and decided that women's health care was more important than politics and policies.In an official statement, CEO Nancy Brinker stated that the mammoth pink foundation would*continue current funding for Planned Parenthood, and...
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    Constellation Electric And Maryland Affiliate Of Susan G. Komen For The Cure Team Up

    Constellation Energy (NYSE: CEG) announced that Constellation Electric and the Maryland Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure® have aligned to raise funds to fight breast cancer. Constellation Electric, provided by Constellation Energy subsidiary BGE HOME, will make an initial donation to...
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    Komen For The Cure Awards $780,000 In Grants To UCSD Researchers

    Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine received nearly $780,000 from the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® for two studies regarding estrogen levels and the behavior of breast cancer tumors. John P. Pierce, PhD, Sam M... More...
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    Will There Be a BMW Ultimate Drive Susan Komen In 2010?

    If so when is it?